VCHRGD Onboarding Guide
  • 19 Oct 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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VCHRGD Onboarding Guide

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Article summary

This guide describes how to onboard VCHRGD chargers with Tap.

Onboarding in this context means getting the charger communicating with Tap. If you are looking for a complete guide for setting up an account and configuring your locations, see our Quick Start Guide.

To connect VCHRGD chargers, you will need access to the VCHRGD installer app.

  1. In the Tap app: Locations > connect new charger

  2. Select VCHRGD.

  3. Copy the URL provided. Note that the manufacturer splits this URL in their app, so you can also copy the URL in separate parts in Tap.

  4. Download and open the VCHRGD Installer app. When prompted, enable Bluetooth or location permissions (required for Bluetooth scanning).
    vchrgd Bluetooth permissions.png

  5. When the available Bluetooth device list page appears, you should see your charger here.
    NOTE: If the connection attempt times out before connecting, wait and select the charger again once visible.

  6. Select your charger from the list of devices

  7. Ente the password from the install kit

If you have lost the installer password then please call VCHRGD technical support and quote the Magic No. for a temporary password.

  1. Tap 'OK' to connect
    vchrgd Password entry.png

  2. Select 'Full Configuration' mode.
    vchrgdConfiguration mode.png

  3. Select your wifi network from and connect.

  4. Set Charge Mode to 'APP'

  5. Set Server URL to 'Manual Entry'. Paste the URL you copied from Tap into the field that appears.

  6. Tap 'Set'. You will see a 'Set Successfully' message and the installer app should automatically disconnect from the charger. If it does not, tap 'Back' then 'Disconnect'.

  7. Once the installer app is disconnected from the charger, it will reboot automatically, meaning the comissioning was succesful.

  8. Return to the Tap app. After a minute the charger should appear and you can proceed with onboarding.