KEBA Onboarding Guide
  • 04 Jan 2025
  • 1 Minute to read
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KEBA Onboarding Guide

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Article summary

This guide describes how to onboard KEBA chargers with Tap.

Onboarding in this context means getting the charger communicating with Tap. If you are looking for a complete guide for setting up an account and configuring your locations, see our Quick Start Guide.

To connect KEBA chargers, you will need a mobile phone or laptop and be physically located at the charger to connect to its hotspot.

  1. In the Tap app: Locations > connect new charger

  2. Select KEBA.

  3. Copy the URL provided. You will also need to enter the Port and Path in KEBA, so you can come back to copy those later.

  4. Open the KEBA WEBUI. Access to WEBUI can be done through a mobile phone or laptop and search for Wi-Fi like searching for a home Wi-Fi network. The name of the hotspot is set as the charger serial number as default. More details shown below:
    KEBA login.png

  5. When connected to the hotspot, open a web browser. Enter in your browser search bar. This will take you to the charger login screen. Login using the credentials set in the previous step.
    KEBA login2.png

  6. In the OCPP settings, set your Chargepoint Identity to the charger's serial number.

  7. Set OCPP communication type to OCPP 1.6 JSON

  8. Paste the 3 fields copied from Tap:

Central System Address:
Central System Port: 443
Central System Path: [this is a unique ID for your account, will look something like e.g. dhgm9ev5xhp5]

  1. Set Secure Central System Connection to ON.
    KEBA config.png

  2. Click Apply. The unit should confirm changes and reboot. This may take up to 1 minute. If the screen does not change, the Apply button may need to be pressed a second time.

When changing OCPP settings the unit may require a full reboot, which can take around 8 mins dependent on other settings changes in WEBUI.

  1. Once the charger is finished reboothing, check Status > Backend to view connected state including the LAN IP it has received from the router. The State should show "Connected" like the below KEBA example.
    KEBA network.png

  2. Return to the Tap app. After a minute the charger should appear and you can proceed with onboarding.

  3. The charger screen should show "Swipe card" with all 4 led segments turned Blue.