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Alfen Onboarding Guide - ACE Service Installer
This guide describes how to onboard Alfen chargers with Tap using the ACE Service Installer portal. If you are trying to use this guide instead.
Onboarding in this context means getting the charger communicating with Tap. If you are looking for a complete guide for setting up an account and configuring your locations, see our Quick Start Guide.
To connect Alfen chargers, you will need access to an Alfen account in the ACE Service Installer.
An important note on firmware:
- Make sure that the latest firmware is installed on your charger. Check this webpage for more details: https://knowledge.alfen.com/space/IN/243466257/Release+notes+-+Firmware+updates+NG-Platform+(NG-910+%2F+NG-920)
- You cannot upload more than 1 major version at a time. In case you are currently on version 4.13.X, first update to 5.A.B, then to 6.A.B, and only then to version 7.0.5.
- Download the following root certificate firmware file and store it on your local drive:
Login to the ACE Service Installer with your username and password.
Enter the default password of your charger.
On the General tab ("I" icon), select Upload Firmware.
Click the "..." icon beside Firmware file location and select the file you downloaded to your local drive.
Click Start upload.
Reboot the charger by clicking on the power button in the bottom left.
Always reboot the charger after adjusting any connectivity settings.
On the Connectivity tab, set the Backoffice preset to "tap-electric".
You can use wired internet, or mobile/SIM, or both. You need to adjust the Network Profiles accordingly.
To choose wired OR SIM:
To set both, with a priority for one vs the other:
For example, if you have set wired, it should look like this:
Then ensure in the Wired options, the Fixed IP address box remains blank:
You can repeat a similar procedure if you are using Mobile/SIM.
Reboot the charger.
In case you need support from Alfen during this process, it's a good idea to save the log files from the past few days. They will ask for this. Click the Save icon in the upper right of the logs.
Open the Tap app or portal. Navigate to Locations > connect new charger
Select Alfen - ACE Service Installer.
Select Enter Charger ID.
After a minute the charger should appear in the list and you can proceed with onboarding.