NexBlue Onboarding Guide
  • 25 Aug 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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NexBlue Onboarding Guide

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Article summary

This guide describes how to onboard NexBlue chargers with Tap.

Onboarding in this context means getting the charger communicating with Tap. If you are looking for a complete guide for setting up an account and configuring your locations, see our Quick Start Guide.

Before onboarding your chargers to Tap:
• The NexBlue charger must be commissioned and registrered in the NexBlue Partner or myNexBlue APP
Installation Guide video from NexBlue
NexBlue Partner APP Guide video from NexBlue
• Charger firmware at least version 1.1.2. (Rest assured, the OTA is automatic when connected to network)
• NexBlue Partner APP at least version 3.4.3. myNexBlue APP at least version 3.3.8.
• Please ensure a strong Wi-Fi connection for successful charger configuration.

Onboarding For Installers - NexBlue Partner App

If you are an end user using the myNexBlue App, skip this section.

  1. Go to the NexBlue Partner APP for Installers

    1. If you want to configure Tap Electric to a New Location:

      1. Select Start configuration or Add new location in the Locations section
        NexBlue home.png
    2. If you want to configure Tap Electric to an Existing Location:

      1. Select Locations
      2. Select the Location that you will operate
      3. Select Settings
        NexBlue locations.png
  2. Select Operator
    NexBlue operator details.png

  3. Select Tap Electric
    NexBlue Operator.png

  4. Tap Activate the operator to jump to the location settings interface which shows the Operator is Tap Electric.
    NexBlue operator2.png

  5. Resolve the issues and retry the configuration if any chargers failed. (Optional)
    NexBlue resolve.png

  6. Copy the Serial Number of the charger in the location. You will enter this into the Tap Electric platform.

  7. Open the Tap app and navigate to: Locations > connect new chargers

  8. Select NexBlue.

  9. Click Enter Charger ID.

  10. Enter the charger ID you copied from the NexBlue app and click ok.

  11. After a minute the charger should appear in the screen and you can proceed with onboarding.

Onboarding For End Users - myNexBlue App

  1. Go to the myNexBlue APP for Users

  2. Select Locations

  3. Select the Location that Tap Electric will operate

  4. Select Settings
    NexBlue users1.png

  5. Select Operator
    NexBlue operator details.png

  6. Select Tap Electric
    NexBlue Operator.png

  7. Tap Activate the operator to jump to the location settings interface which shows the Operator is Tap Electric.
    NexBlue operator2.png

  8. Resolve the issues and retry the configuration if any chargers failed. (Optional)
    NexBlue resolve.png

  9. Copy the Serial Number of the charger in the location. You will enter this into the Tap Electric platform.

  10. Open the Tap app and navigate to: Locations > connect new chargers

  11. Select NexBlue.

  12. Click Enter Charger ID.

  13. Enter the charger ID you copied from the NexBlue app and click ok.

  14. After a minute the charger should appear in the screen and you can proceed with onboarding.