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FAQ - Migrating chargers to Tap from another platform
We generally answer these questions as though they were asked by the owner of the charger; if you are an installer asking these questions on behalf of your customer, the answers are still valid.
At what point do I cancel the subscription to my current platform provider?
This depends on the terms of your contract with the current provider. If you plan to move the chargers to Tap immediately, it's best to cancel your contract before the next renewal period to make sure you do not get billed by your current provider for a period in which you will not use their platform.
Can I leave the current contract early and start adding chargers to Tap?
Yes, you can. Because Tap does not charge the typical monthly subscription fee, it often makes sense to already move the chargers to Tap, even if you are still under contract at your current provider. It also is technically no problem to move the chargers from the old platform to Tap while they are under the old contract. Make sure you properly remove them from the old system after they are online in Tap.
Should I payout any funds in from the wallet of my existing platform prior to any migration?
The terms of your existing provider should be reviewed to answer this question with certainty. In general, it would be good practice to empty your wallet before closing your account with the other provider; however, you should not lose the funds earned from a specific charger once you migrate that charger from the old platform to Tap. Wallets are usually based on your account, not based on a charger.
Can I have my charger(s) on Tap and another provider at the same time?
No. A charger can only be connected to a single platform at any given time. Having said that, the charger could still be under contract at the old platform (i.e. you could still be subscribed to that platform) when you connect it to Tap - this is not a problem technically. But the charger can only talk to one platform at a time.
Should I add the charger to Tap first before removing it from my current provider?
It would be best practice to successfully onboard the charger to Tap before removing it from the current provider; however, it is also fine to remove it from the current platform, then add it to Tap. It makes not technical difference, the only thing you need to check is the renewal period from your old platform to avoid paying for more months than you need to.
Will they’re be any downtime between switching (especially for public/high usage locations)
You should plan for a few minutes of down time, possibly a bit more depending on the brand of charger you have. For example, with an Easee or Zaptec charger, you can do the migration remotely with a few clicks, and have the charger online in minutes. For some other brands, you need to be physically located at site; in some cases, you may even need to open the charger and connect it to a laptop via cable. You can check the onboarding procedure for different hardware brands here.
Do you have any guides for migrating chargers onto Tap?
You can find our Quick Start Guide here.
The platform you are moving from may allow you to remotely change the OCPP URL directly from the platform. If you have this option, follow the Tap Quick Start Guide to create your account and prepare the location, then paste the Tap URL into the charger in the old platform and reboot the charger. You should then see the charger come online in Tap.
If the migration requires further support, what support do you offer either in person or remotely?
If you have followed the Tap Quick Start Guide and still need some support, we can always help via video call. If your migration is more complex, we may be able to support with a site visit. In either case, please reach out to sales@tapelectric.app.
Can I migrate several locations from another provider at the same time?
This differs per charger brand. If you have a large number of sites or chargers and are not sure about the most efficient way to migrate, please reach out to sales@tapelectric.app.